Latest web development trends to follow in 2022

Alexa Trachim

Bartosz Pieślak

When a year comes to an end, and a new one is just around the corner, we like to take a closer look at the IT trends for the upcoming 12 months. As a company that builds not only mobile solutions but also web apps, we want to analyze the expectations and predictions for the latter to make sure we will create even better products for our clients. Undoubtedly, the coronavirus pandemic that started in 2020 changed a lot in all areas of our industry. Let’s see what tendencies we should consider in 2022 regarding web development.
Why is following trends important? Because creating software with currently appreciated best practices and novelties in mind allows companies to answer their customers’ demands and needs. Things that become popular are this way because users notice when something is usable, convenient, or aesthetically pleasing, and they start to look for the same features in other apps.
The fact that we were experiencing a major technological transformation in the last decade is not without significance. Innovations pop up every year, and they make our world digitized and automated. The way we think about our devices and how we browse the internet has changed a lot since they entered our world. That’s also something we need to remember about when discussing trends for the next few years.
Shall we begin?
11 web development trends to follow in 2022
Many factors influence how we build web apps and websites and how we utilize them. It’s crucial for software developers and users alike. We want to develop the best solutions that will meet users’ needs. If you are a business owner, read on. These trends might inspire you or help you find the right direction for your digital project.
Going mobile-first
In 2021, almost 55% of web traffic was generated on mobile devices. People move from their laptops and computers to their smartphones because they are convenient and accessible, no matter where we are. We use them to purchase goods, contact our loved ones, watch videos and entertain ourselves. That’s why in 2022, creating web apps and responsive websites will be crucial. The main features of such design are navigation adjusted to small screens and thumb usage, and lightweight architecture that doesn’t slow down the loading time on mobile devices.
Providing dark mode
We’ve mentioned this trend in our UX/UI trend analysis from last year, and it’s staying with us as it seems. Smartphone UIs typically have a built-in dark mode, and mobile apps adjust their colors to users’ preferences. Now it also enters the realm of the websites, where pages often have a simple switch to change their bright design to a more easy-on-the-eyes one. Apparently, more than 80% of Android users have their devices set to dark mode. It makes a lot of sense, as dark backgrounds with light letters and minor elements are less tiring to use. Furthermore, it’s better for the battery life and our health, as it reduces blue light exposure.
Building Progressive Web Apps
Saying this trend is new would be a lie, but it will definitely continue in 2022. Why? Because it connects with the previous subject of mobile devices. PWAs are similar to native apps, but they don’t require installation, which means they can be used on all devices, even older ones. eCommerce is the sector that usually takes the biggest advantage of Progressive Web Apps, and statistics show that it’s a good idea. 65% of purchases in online stores are done on mobile devices, but what’s fascinating is that PWAs get almost 40% higher conversion rates and 50% increased user engagement. They are also easier to maintain.
Creating Single Page Apps
If you use Gmail or Facebook, you’ve experienced SPAs for sure. These are single pages that load at the first entrance, and when the user wants to access different types of content, they load only certain elements. In times of short attention span, loading time is crucial to reduce bounce rate and keep the user engaged. Single Page Apps are perfect for that. Their architecture promotes fast webpages that can be easily expanded with APIs, and debugging requires much less effort than with ordinary sites. It’s a great solution when you know that your target customers might have a slow internet connection.
Making Accelerated Mobile Pages
Another step in making pages more accessible and fast, even on older devices with low-speed bandwidth. AMP is an open-source project invented by Google to make pages load quicker and improve the user experience when browsing websites on mobile devices. The whole framework was created in 2015, but now it’s getting more recognized as companies start to pay attention to their customer’s demands and want to catch their attention no matter what. Accelerated Mobile Pages support these requirements with their short loading time, which gives enterprises that develop them a solid competitive advantage. The AMPs, PWAs and SPAs will definitely be explored in 2022, and the decision which one to choose will depend on the industry needs and individual business needs.
Utilizing voice for searches and more
Yet another trend that was a big thing in 2021 – we talked about it a year ago in our article about tech predictions. Why should we mention it again? Because the smart speakers market is growing, and it’s unstoppable. Also, voice assistants in our phones are completely mainstream. Having an Amazon Echo Dot at home is not a big deal, and most Android or iOS device users talk to Google Assistant or Siri on a daily basis. Voice technologies are not only comfortable to use, but also safe, especially when sanitation is required. Research shows that the voice technologies market might reach more than $30 billion by 2025. Also, every month, 1 billion searches are done using voice recognition. Quick access to information and the possibility to multitask while getting them are the main benefits of such searches, so we are sure in 2022, web software will be adjusted to this trend.
Powering chatbots with AI
Bots that can communicate with customers and make their lives easier are not new either, but they will get more intelligent and helpful with artificial intelligence enhancement. The advantages are countless. 24/7 access to support, integrations with various types of software, providing service to thousands of clients at once, quick answering and personalization based on the history of interactions are some of them. With the power of machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, and other AI algorithms, chatbots become almost human-like. According to statistics, they also significantly increase ROI and customer engagement.
Incorporating IoT
The Internet of Things is also gaining massive popularity nowadays, and it will soon power our homes and companies alike. It’s not only used for making our light bulbs switch on automatically, but it can be a powerful tool for data collection and analysis. Moreover, it can automate specific repetitive tasks and don’t require human attention. It’s one of the most promising technological trends because it can be incorporated into almost any area of our lives. And we need a lot of software that will be implemented in all these intelligent devices and apps that will support IoT operations.
Developing API-first pages
We live in a world where we can pick from millions of apps. Moreover, we use dozens of them every day. To give our lives structure, we want different platforms and tools to connect, so they can collaborate and give us even more value. That’s where API-first development comes in handy. Instead of building all the app’s features from scratch, programmers can focus on integrating their product with the existing APIs. That can shorten time-to-market and reduce project costs. Thanks to this approach, we can conveniently log in to various platforms with our Google or Facebook accounts, integrate our schedules with Google Calendar, and so much more. Sometimes, instead of putting efforts into creating something entirely new, it’s wiser to make it cooperate with other services that are already out there. This will often be the case in 2022.
Betting on serverless architecture
Instead of using on-premise infrastructure to host your web app, it is now a standard practice to place it in one of the cloud services like Microsoft Azure, AWS, or Google Cloud. They offer excellent scalability and give your development team freedom to code, test and maintain your product instead of worrying about servers. This approach also makes introducing changes much easier, and it provides an optimized environment for features based on AI and data analysis. Your software becomes highly flexible and can be adjusted to customers’ needs at any time. Moreover, using serverless architectures can reduce the cost of your project.
Offering high-level security
Last, but not least, we should mention safety issues, as they become crucial in all areas of the technology world. All the trends mentioned above prove that we rely on our devices and the software inside them. The more digitized our lives become, the more problems regarding security have to be addressed. Hacker attacks, data theft, information leaks – they can be deadly for companies, causing financial troubles and layoffs. Furthermore, customers become more and more aware of risks they can stumble upon when using the internet, and they expect providers to offer means that will make them feel safe. Investing in the best possible resolutions for security will be one of the biggest trends in 2022.
The trends discussed in this article were essential recently and will still be relevant in the upcoming months. Most of them are not new, but that doesn’t matter. We are now perfecting the solutions created a while ago to make them work in our rapidly expanding, tech-driven world. The internet significantly changed our lives, but the way we utilize it has also evolved since the first e-mail was sent. Who knows what the next decades will bring?
The focus on building web apps that offer a unique, quality experience for customers is definitely suitable for businesses that aspire to thrive in the online world. Creating robust software that works even on older devices and doesn’t require speed-of-light bandwidth is inclusive and provides accessibility that is so much needed in the globalized world that still struggles with inequalities. Entrepreneurs who take these trends seriously will have a better chance to meet their customers’ desires and grow their profits like never before.
If you want to create a new digital product, like a web app, that meets all those best practices and provides actual value, let us know what you have in mind. For more than ten years, we’ve been helping companies build software solutions that create a difference and help them achieve their goals. We can help you, too.
Reach out, so we can collaborate and build something extraordinary together!
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